今天無意間看到2008年冬天的照片, 還記得那一年雪量驚人, 剷雪鏟到手抽筋....也還記得那年冬天賦閒在家, 每天櫻櫻美代子....也還記得那年冬天帶著兩個小孩回台灣, 回來後一覺睡了個18小時.....怎麼覺得已經是好久以前的事了....
轉載: 移民貢獻卑詩省勞動力成長
Immigration Drives BC’s Labour Force Growth
Immigration Drives BC’s Labour Force Growth
PeopleTalk | August 3, 2011 | no comments
By Jock Finlayson
Canada has a well-deserved reputation as an “immigrant-friendly” country. Each year, new immigrants amount to almost one per cent of the population, putting Canada near the top among advanced economies in the ratio of newcomers to population. In 2009, Canada welcomed 250,000 permanent immigrants and refugees. Last year, the figure rose to 280,000, despite a weak economy.
Since 2002, Canadian immigration policy has been based on the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IPRA). The Act delineates three categories of permanent immigration:
The family class is composed of foreign nationals sponsored by close relatives already in Canada.
Economic immigrants are selected for their skills and/or ability to contribute to the economy. Included in this category are skilled workers, business and investor immigrants, and provincial “nominees” who arrive via the provisions of provincial government programs geared to fast-tracking immigration for specific workers. In 2009, 12,000 immigrants (plus a larger number of accompanying spouses/dependents) came to Canada through provincial nominee programs (including one run by the BC government), which have become an important component of the overall immigration system.
* 奮鬥的方向,
Newcomers Face Under-Employment Challenges: Poll
Newcomers Face Under-Employment Challenges: Poll HRVoice.org | July 29, 2011 | no comments
Almost half (49 per cent) of newcomers who have been in Canada for one year or less feel under-employed, according to a recent poll by RBC. Even after six-to-ten years in Canada, a third (32 per cent) of newcomers continue to feel that their current job is at a lower skill level than they had, or would have had, in their country of origin. 根據RBC銀行做的一份調查, 在來加拿大一年以內的新移民中, 接近一半的移民覺得自己處在低就業的狀態; 就算是已經住了6-10年的人, 也有32%覺得目前的工作技術層次低, 或是說比待在原來國家的發展不好...
According to the poll, a majority of newcomers (52 per cent), measure success based on their career, which includes having a good paying job in their field of expertise. Additionally, men (43 per cent) are much more likely than women (28 per cent) to believe that their current job is a step down from what they had, or would have had, in their home country. 根據這份調查, 52%的新移民還是以有沒有待在原來專業領域並擁有一份薪酬好的工作來定義"成功"....
“Once newcomers get past some of the career challenges they face when they move to Canada, they make a tremendous contribution to the country’s productivity and diversity,” said Camon Mak, director, multicultural markets, RBC. “Canada is built on immigration – new skills and resources continue to be key drivers of our country’s global success. It’s important that we help newcomers get settled quickly both into their new home and their new careers. ” 然而一旦新移民突破搬來加拿到後遇到的種種求職挑戰或障礙, 他們對加拿大在生產力和多元多樣豐富度上創造出極大的貢獻.
七月的第三個周末, 和朋友又呼朋引伴露營去. 因為要上班, 所以星期五下班才出發 , 不過, 開車兩個小時就到了會斯勒....等紮好營天還是亮的!! 紮營在藍天白雲下, 覺得很暢快, 只是晚上睡覺的時候, 可能風太大了, 一直覺得腳好冷!! 不過, 精彩的是第二天的天然河道漂漂河....這樣的玩法很經濟實惠, 兩天兩夜, 露營地一晚加幣47元, 加上汽油油錢和戶外野炊的食物....一點都沒有負擔...
Barnett Marine Park 抓螃蟹
溫哥華的夏天啊, 只要是陽光普照的日子, 就會讓人想往外跑....這個連續假日, 因為沒有預訂露營營地, 所以, 就近在大溫地區趴趴走....恩, 今天的行程是抓螃蟹....車程只要20-30分鐘, 約了三戶人家, 各自準備一些吃食, 就這樣出發抓螃蟹去囉! 不過, 事前要先去WalMart或是網路上買釣魚證, 一個人一張, 一張可以帶四隻公的而且腰圍夠大的回家. 對, 母的或是太小隻的都得放回去....公園旁都有告示牌會說明, 所以, 要記得釣魚證和量尺...
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