
萱草 Day Lily - 美麗綻放

這是今天到 Richmond 南邊 Steveston Village 路邊拍到的
當時只覺得花形很好看, 回來再仔細瞧瞧, 恩, 這應該是萱草
所以查了一下網路上的資料, 應該就是萱草(俗稱金針花)囉.
只是萱草品種有很多, 而且我這台灣來的鄉下人只對金針排骨湯的花形有印象
所以, 一下子無法很確定.
順便查了她的英文名, 應該是 Day Lily, 顧名思義"開花一天就會謝了,
但無論自然的規律如何, 每一朵花都會在屬於她開花的那一天

The name Hemerocallis comes from the Greek words ἡμέρα (hēmera) "day" and καλός (kalos) "beautiful". The flowers of most species open at sunrise and wither at sunset, possibly replaced by another one on the same stem the next day.
Some species are night-blooming. Daylilies are not commonly used as cut flowers for formal flower arranging, yet they make good cut flowers otherwise as new flowers continue to open on cut stems over several days.
Originally native from Europe to China, Korea, and Japan, their large showy flowers have made them popular worldwide. There are over 60,000 registered cultivars. Only a few cultivars are scented. Some cultivars rebloom later in the season, particularly if their developing seedpods are removed.
