

最近在寫的HRM報告中, 想要探討加拿大移民就業市場的現況, 包含移民的教育水準, 就業率和失業率以及所得水準, 另外就是有哪些企業已經有一些良好的招募和任用移民的機制, 再接下就是探討究竟企業主所猶豫不任用新移民的原因有哪些....因為這是一個分組作業, 其實我僅負責第一部分, 但是在蒐集資料的過程中, 看到一份已經寫得很完整的"移民求職障礙"各種原因, 先貼出來跟大家分享一下.

Source: Potential Barriers to Employment for Immigrant Job Seekers

Statistics Canada says that new immigrants continue to have more difficulty in finding a job than Canadian-born residents. 

Accreditation of Skills: 國外教育學位和訓練證照的認可
It is difficult and expensive for clients with professional backgrounds to have their education and experience evaluated and recognized. Majority of the program’s skilled trade workers and professionals face special challenges in their search for meaningful employment in their former field. For example, many of them encounter the dilemma of requiring licensing before being considered for employment in their profession, but they are unable to apply for any form of license until they obtain experience within Canada. It is especially true for refugees who were forced to leave their homelands without documentation, and therefore their educational accomplishments are not verifiable.

Lack of Canadian basic training and upgrading opportunities
Many overseas trades or training skills are not recognized. Local employers either discount overseas foreign qualifications or hire the person at a much lower salary rate. Training institutions normally do not have their training programs customized to meet the needs of internationally trained professionals or skills trade workers for skills upgrading.

Lack of Canadian work experience缺乏加拿大工作經驗
Many new immigrant job seekers have neither Canadian work experience nor a stable work history (because of war or political/social turmoil in their former countries).

Lack of Knowledge of Canadian laws, bylaws, and regulations
Internationally trained professionals and skilled trade workers from other countries normally do not know North American standards required for their profession. It is essential for local training institutions to provide them with special training courses about Canadian laws, bylaws, and regulations in their professional fields.

Lack of English proficiency: 缺乏英文能力(最重要的因素!!)
This is the main barrier to employment for many immigrants. It prevents many professionals from getting a job where they can utilize their expertise. It is also a roadblock to employment for the skilled trade immigrants who normally do not have high education from their former countries. Lack of English may be interpreted as poor communication resulting in limited social networking for employment search. Language barrier may lead to loss of confidence, depression, and withdrawal.

Different Culture norms: 不同的文化習俗, 習慣和規範
Cultural barriers are also a burden for our clients being able to find employment. Speaking well about oneself is not socially accepted in many cultures. North American concept of “selling yourself for work” is an alienated idea from other cultures. “Avoiding eye contact” – a sign of respect elsewhere – could be easily misinterpreted during a job interview as lack of confidence or even dishonesty. 

Lack of local Network: 缺乏本地的人脈
Networking is an essential part of the job search process. It is impossible to have access to hidden job openings, unless one has an extensive network. In many cases, it is very true that it is not what you know, but whom you know will help you successfully gain employment.

Accessibility of Training
迫於英文或財務能力無法參加訓練課程; 或是不了解如何申請或註冊訓練課程
Most immigrant clients are unaware or unable to access training opportunities. Some are restricted by language or finances while others are intimidated by the application process or discouraged by a lack of self-esteem. For others the concept of an adult going to school or changing careers in mid-life is culturally unacceptable.

No Knowledge of Labour Market Information: 對於本地勞動就業市場不了解
Many immigrant job seekers neither recognize the important role of LMI in marketing their skills, nor do they know how to collect and filter information necessary for their employment search. 

Lack of Job Search Skills: 缺乏找工作求職的技巧
The exercise and process of job search in other countries are not as comprehensive as in North America. Many immigrant job seekers do not how to prepare a resume or a cover letter. They do not know how to market themselves as well as sell their skills and experience in the labor market. Immigrant job seekers normally cannot compete with mainstream applicants in a job interview. 

Unrealistic Expectations: 不切實際的期望或期待
Internationally Trained Professionals - particularly from Europe - who have high education, technical skills, and/or good English Language skills tend to have a high expectation for employment that prevents them from getting their first stepping-stone job in Victoria. This situation exists until they either accept the condition of the local labour market after a long employment search or face the financial reality when their savings is about to be drained. It normally taxes these clients’ time and energy until they adapt to the reality of the local labour market, usually within six months to a year.

Deflated Expectations: Many immigrants bring with them distorted ideas about life in North America. Demystification can be especially trying for clients with professional backgrounds who face entry level work outside of their field.

Loss of Supports: 家人和朋友的支持遠在天邊
Being in a new country means losing family ties and friendships which otherwise would offer support and guidance in times of difficulty.

Lack of basic “modern-life” skills: 缺乏基本生活管理能力
Immigrants from third world countries may lack skills such as time management, stress and anger management, budgeting, and general information needed to cope with the way of living in North America. It is hard for them to find and keep their first job in Canada.

Racism: 種族歧視
Immigrant job seekers may feel a psychological blow to their search for employment, when discrimination, misunderstanding, prejudice, and probably racism play a role in the hiring process. Racism is also a primary concern for visible minority job seekers, particularly those who apply for management positions or jobs in the public sector. It makes them feel rejected and the negative impact generally pushes them into a withdrawal mode.

Loss of confidence & self-esteem: 喪失自信心甚至自尊心
Only a small percentage of internationally trained professionals and highly skilled trade workers were able to secure a professional job in their former field. Many of them have only two choices: either accept entry level positions or stay unemployed and keep dreaming of going back “home” for their former jobs. In both cases, they have confidence and self-esteem gradually eroded after years of trials and failures to find meaningful employment. It may take toll on their emotion and destroy their family fabrics
