
Deer Lake 秋意濃



秋意漸濃, 記於2011.10.23



轉載自Vancouver Sun的一篇文章
In Canada, English name a clear advantage in landing job: survey
By Douglas Todd, Postmedia News October 14, 2011 5:51 AM
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/Canada+English+name+clear+advantage+landing+survey/5550240/story.html#ixzz1am7Dwmx6

Job applicants with foreign names have lesser chance for interviews: UBC study

VANCOUVER — If your name is Alison Johnson or Matthew Wilson, an inventive national study suggests you could do better in the job market than if you go by Min Liu, Samir Sharma or Lukas Minsopoulos.

A comprehensive survey of employers in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto has discovered that job applicants with English-sounding names have a much better chance of receiving a callback than if they have Chinese, Indian or Greek names.

Released Friday, the report, titled "Why do some employers prefer to interview Matthew, but not Samir?" is based on employers' response rate to thousands of online job applications.

The study, supported by Metropolis B.C., a federally funded diversity-research agency, was conducted to find out why recent immigrants are struggling much more in the Canadian job market than immigrants in the 1970s did.


Why don't we hire new immigrants?

正在念HRM Certificate的第一個課程Human Resources Management, 唸著唸著, 一直有個強烈的意念, 想要寫一篇文章, 也許就是順便做為課程的作業, 題目就是 "Why don't we hire new immigrants?"" 企業為什麼不雇用新移民?"

我想從溫哥華人力資源從業人員的角度來寫這個題目, 而不光光只是從找工作的技術移民角度來看這件事情. 其實新移民舉家搬遷來到溫哥華/加拿大, 需要含辛茹苦忍辱負重才能找得到一份工作, 甚至得彎下腰低下頭才能"保住"一份工作. 這些有工作的移民, 在大家的眼光裡是幸運的是特別的, 因為還有更多的人汲汲營營仍然很難找到一份餬口的工作....所以, 我就想試一試寫這個題目.
