

上一篇提到從事義工volunteer工作是在加拿大重新展開職涯的一個很好的入門方式, 既可以學習文化, 語言, 又可以和當地加拿大人建立友誼. 要知道在這兒呢, 人際關係connection是非常非常重要的, 更何況雇主根本無從知道我們過去的經驗和工作表現, 所以透過義工工作, 不僅可能朋友可以幫我們介紹工作, 以後的雇主要雇用時也可以和義工的督導們查詢我們的個性, 態度和工作表現.

更何況一般參與義工工作的人都很和善, 所以, 被歡迎和歸屬感以及貢獻的成就感, 都有幫助我們在這裡建立信心, 重新出發. 甚至有些人就因為義工工作的關係, 直接成為該機構的正式雇員.

其實, 不要說我們這些新移民, 本地的高中生, 從十年級開始就要做義工服務 social service, 這些是正式算入學期成績考核的. 所以哩, 人家從高中就開始積極參與社會活動, 建立人際關係網路, 我們這些外來的移民, 其實是需要入境隨俗的哩.

說到義工工作如何找, 上篇有介紹了兩個網站:
1. BC 和 Alberta 兩省的義工工作機會都有

2. 若只針對Surrey素里市

基本上可以參加他們的說明會, 或直接線上申請. 我最近參加了一場素里市政府負責義工招募的說明會, 我覺得很好, 因為可以全面了解當義工的權利義務和福利, 還有可以有哪些選擇. 不過, 這些在他們的網站上都有清楚的說明. 當天的說明會, 有1/3是新移民, 1/3是高中生, 其他則是有志貢獻社會的人.

素里市義工工作的種類如下, 我想我應該對藝術中心的兒童美勞活動有興趣, 大衛說他對環境保護相關的有興趣, 所以哩, 我們都要去報名囉.

1. Community & Leisure Services Join our dedicated team of individuals who are making a difference in programs such as swimming, skating, crafts, sports, reading, and outdoor activities. By lending a helping hand you will enrich your own life and the lives of others in our community.

2. Arts ServicesVolunteering offers rewarding opportunities for individuals to interact, to learn, to experience, to lead, to assist, and to become involved with the Gallery’s diverse communities in active and meaningful ways. The range of volunteer work is broad at the Arts Centre, and the number of positions is constantly expanding.

3. Heritage ServicesWe are looking for eager, keen volunteers for Historic Stewart Farm, Museum, and the City Archives. Volunteers are trained to give tours, help with special events and assist with research exhibits in the archives.

4. Partners in ParksThe Partners in Parks initiative is a series of volunteer programs designed to keep Surrey's parks clean, safe and beautiful. As partners, you and your team will have an opportunity to make positive changes and enhance the quality of life in your community. Call us and find out how you can become part of this meaningful and rewarding and volunteer program.

5. Emergency Social ServicesWe are looking for eager and raring to go volunteers for this unique opportunity to be on call volunteers to the needs of everyone affected by an emergency.

6. Special EventsVolunteering in special events is a great way to get active, try something new, make new friends and involve yourself in the community. There are numerous events & festivals taking place across the City that are looking for your support, energy and imagination.

7. Environmental Programs
Enhance the habitats of plants and animals in your local parks and green spaces.Connect with the outdoors and make a difference in Surrey's environment!

8. Adopt-A-StreetShow your civic pride! Help make Surrey an even better place to live, work and play. Get recognized for your efforts. Be part of a winning team by joining the City of Surrey's Adopt-A-Street Program!

9. Outdoor ServicesIf you love to explore new areas, experience adventure and enjoy every minute of it then we have an opportunity for you. We are looking for people who are passionate about kayaking, canoeing, hiking, camping and other adventure activities.

10. SPIRIT (Support Participation & Inclusion ~ Reach out, Involve & Transform) is a program that fosters volunteerism in order to support community members with special needs that require additional assistance or support to facilitate their full participation in leisure experiences.

11. Summer Day Camps Volunteering in Summer Day Camps is a great way to spend your summer connecting with others and involving yourself directly in your community. There are endless volunteer opportunities all throughout Surrey where you can explore the great outdoors, splash around in the water, go on adventures in various themed camps, and master your artistic talent.

其實另外還有一個地方可以搜尋素里市Surrey的義工工作機會, 同樣的可以按照機構或是義工性質來搜尋.
