

作為一個離鄉背井到異地重新打拼的移民, 我們聽過很多成功的故事, 以及很多不同版本的辛酸與無奈. 從這些成功的故事裡, 也許有一些相似的地方, 也許有一些共同的脈絡. 讓我們聽聽看加拿大移民雜誌Canadian Immigrant Magazine 發行人的獨到觀察與見解. "加拿大移民七項成功的秘訣"

以下資料來源 Source: http://www.triec.ca/news/story/120

At yesterday's IEP 2009 Conference, Canadian Immigrant magazine publisher Naeem "Nick" Noorani spoke of his Seven Success Secrets for Canadian Immigrants:

1) Learn English. "The most important thing is the language," Noorani said. "I don't care how well-qualified you are. You need to know the language."

2) Stay Positive. "It's so easy to become negative. Canada doesn't choose immigrants, we choose our future citizens."

3) Embrace Canada. "This is your country for the rest of your life. You need to fall in love with your country."
擁抱加拿大, 愛上加拿大

4) Have a Plan B. In other words, don't put all your career options in one basket, Noorani said.
要有雨天備案/ 方案二/ 也就是不要只孤注一個方向

5) Move out of ethnic silos. "Embrace all communities. The more people you have as friends who are outside of your ethnic circle, the more success you will have."

6) Take risks. "We're natural risk-takers. We've left everything behind. We've left our families and our friends behind, but not just because we are risk-takers, but because we are visionaries."

7) Volunteer, Mentorship, Networking. Get to know as many people as possible while gaining as much Canadian employment experience as possible, Noorani said.
積極從事義工工作, 向同樣專業背景的前輩/導師求教, 多拓展人際圈

By the Numbers 數字會說話

519,722: number of newcomers admitted to Canada in 2008

247,202: number of permanent residents welcomed to Canada in 2008

193,061: number of temporary foreign workers admitted to Canada in 2008

79,459: number of foreign students welcomed to Canada in 2008

6.6%: rate of unemployment among immigrants across Canada

4.6%: rate of unemployment among Canadian-born workers in Canada

11.8%: rate of unemployment among immigrants in Toronto

$26,636: median income of average recent educated immigrant in Canada

$57,6565: median income of average Canadian-born person

Reference: Toronto Sun

2 則留言:

大吉大利&熊太郎的媽 提到...


Florence 提到...

加油! 需要一些時間,但是只要堅持一定可以漸入佳境.