

「Part of Your World」 我有我的主張
作詞:Howard Ashman
作曲:Alan Menken
原唱:Olivia Newton John    
小美人魚2 翻唱:Chely Wright
參考資料: http://mymedia.yam.com/m/1134670

Look at this stuff Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection is complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, The girl who has everything?
Look at this trove Treasures untold How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you'd think:"Sure, she's got evertyhing"
所有一切是多麼的美好我應該是世界上擁有最多 的女孩
看看這些 海底寶藏有誰能夠將它完全收藏也許你會 你會想...是的!我擁有一切!

I've got gadgets and gizmos of plenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs?I've got twenty!
But who cares? No big deal I want more...
但這些 不是我 的夢想

I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see them dancing
Walking around on those...(What do you call them? Oh, feet)
Flipping your fins you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing Strolling along down the...
(What's that word again? Street...)
我嚮往去人類的世界 我盼望能與他一起共舞漫步在沙灘上那個叫什麼?喔!腳...
如果能擁有那雙腳 我願與他一起跳舞歡唱 走在那條長長的...... 那是什麼字? 街

Up where they walk Up where they run Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wondering free, wish I could be Part of that world...
What would I give If I could live out of these waters
What would I pay To spend a day warm on the sand
Betcha on land they understand Bet they don't reprimend their daughters
Bright young women Sick of swimming Ready to stand...
一起漫步 一起奔跑 坐在那沙灘望著夕陽 
多麼希望能有一天 與你為伴 
不知如何 我才能夠 離開這海底 
我的心願 有誰能夠真正了解 若有一天 能出水面 
我願用生命換得一切無論付出 多少代價我也都願

I'm ready to know what the people know
Ask them my questions and get some answers What's the fire and why does it
(What's the word? Burn...)
When is it my turn? Wouldn't I love Love to explore that shore above us
Out of the sea Wish I could be Part of that world
讓我們走進人類的世界讓他們解開我心中疑惑不在猶豫也不害怕向水面 衝
我的希望 我的心願要所有夢想都能成真多麼希望能有一天與你為伴

如何才能走進你心田 如何付出才能與你相遇 如何才能看見你  對我微笑一起漫步  一起奔跑 坐在那沙灘望著夕陽 只有我倆 相偎相依直到永遠

不知何時  不知何日但有件奇妙事就發生總有一天  我會與你一起飛 翔

因為嚮往一個未知的世界, 我們許多人放棄已經擁有的很多美好的珍貴的一切.....
不惜代價, 我們就是要往這未知的世界闖一闖...........
因為, 未知的世界可能真的充滿幸福與歡笑. 但是, 有可能也充滿無盡的艱辛.........
幸福還是艱辛, 快樂還是辛酸........
也許沒有闖一闖, 沒有往前探個究竟, 沒法讓這躍躍欲試的心情平靜下來............

所以, 放手去闖吧............
找到這個中文歌詞的小美人魚影片, 和大家分享.........

也祝福所有離鄉背井出外打拼的遊子, 找到自己當初出發的初衷.
