
跑跑跑 向前跑

來到這裡呢, 當然得快快融入這兒的風土民情, 就說運動和跑步這事呢, 就有很多的來源典故和活動. 像最近因為兩兄弟學校活動的關係, 接觸了Terry Fox Run和Turkey Trot.

一開始, 還迷迷糊糊的, 搞不清楚是甚麼東東, 但學校都會安排相關活動在課程之中, 讓小朋友透過接觸而了解這些活動的來由和內容. 而且,還實地讓小朋友就在學校附近跑步, 體驗活動的精神.

像Terry Fox Run, 就是由之前的一位Terry Fox(1958-1981)所發起的, 也就是這張照片中的跑者; 他本人因為罹患癌症而失去一條腿, 但他為了致力於推廣癌症研究所需基金募款, 跑步橫越加拿大. 真的很感人. 之後Terry Fox Foundation 基金會成立, 致力推廣Terry Fox終其一生所期望與推動長跑活動與癌症研究.

茲摘錄維基百科關於Terry Fox Run資料給大家參考.

The Terry Fox Run is an annual non-competitive charity event held in numerous regions across the globe in commemoration of cancer activist Terry Fox, and his Marathon of Hope, and to raise money for cancer research.

The event is held every year on the second Sunday following Labour Day. Since its inception in 1981, it has raised via the 'Terry Fox Foundation' over $340 million dollars (CAD). The run itself is informal which means that the distance often varies, usually between 5 and 15 kilometres; participation is considered to be more important than completing the set distance.

Unlike other major fund raising events, the Terry Fox Run has no corporate sponsorship. This is in accordance with Terry Fox's original wishes of not seeking fame or fortune from his endeavour. During his cross-Canada run, he turned down every endorsement he was offered (including from major multinationals such as McDonald's), as he felt that it would detract from his goal of creating public awareness. The current Terry Fox Runs have no advertisements on any race related materials (such as t-shirts, banners, etc).

第二項就是Turkey Trot, 一開始還真是搞不清楚這是啥東東, 原來也是跑步活動. 而且特別就是在感恩節當天的跑步活動. 像下面這段就是摘錄溫哥華Turkey Trot的活動介紹. 簡而言之, 就是因應感恩節的跑步活動, 歡迎大家扶老攜幼, 攜家帶眷來參加路跑.

Thanksgiving Monday October 08, 2007

Welcome to the 9th Annual Granville Island Turkey Trot!

This scenic and flat 10 km course starts at Granville Island and loops over Burrard Bridge to the north side Sea Wall before turning at Science World to head back along the south side Sea Wall to Performance Works on Granville Island. Join nearly 2,000 revelers in this annual Vancouver Thanksgiving tradition while helping to support those less fortunate.
"Way to Begin Thanksgiving Day" for thousands of locals as well as those who travel to share in our great event. The Trot tradition has now extended through generations of participants who celebrate the holiday with grandparents, relatives, friends and their youngest who we look to see with their own families in the years ahead.
