

Skills Connect for Immigrants Program (具專業/技術移民職能與就業輔導計畫)

目前看到的是由BC卑詩省政府轄下Ministry of Economic Development所主持計畫的. 計畫緣由應該是省政府已經意識到在未來2-3年卑詩省會有嚴重的人力短缺. 人力短缺的原因應該很多, 包含出生率下降, 經濟蓬勃發展, 嬰兒潮世代將於2010年左右陸續退休退出職場. 目前預估到時會有一百萬的工作需求, 而按目前的人力供給狀況(含現有年輕世代與新移民加入); 屆時恐怕50%的工作都會找不到人.

所以, 卑詩省政府補助的這項新移民職能與就業輔導計畫, 應該只是其中一項因應的配套方案. 也因此, 鼓勵新移民投入的重點產業就僅包含 construction, transportation, energy, tourism and hospitality sectors and health care sectors. (公共工程, 建築, 交通運輸, 能源, 觀光與餐飲, 以及醫療照護產業)


因為是政府補助的輔導方案, 自然會有一些資格要求:
1. 具有居民身分(permanent resident of Canada)
2. 來加拿大之前有三年以上專業領域的工作經驗
3. 具備中等以上英文能力

a. Career Assessment and Planning Services 職涯發展評估與規劃
-Assessment of English proficiency, academic qualifications, technical skills, essential skills, career management skills and financial means
-Individualized action planning
-Information and referral to appropriate services or workplace practice
b. Pre-employment Skill Enhancement Services 職能提升訓練
-English training at CLB level seven or higher
-Limited academic upgrading
-Technical skills upgrading
-Essential skills upgrading
-Job search skills
-Career management skills
-Orientation to workplace culture
c. Workplace Orientation and Practice Services 演討會與實務工作經驗
-Mentorship and/or job shadowing
-Internship or apprenticeship.

協助輔導機構, 目前可以看到的有六個機構. 有興趣的人, 可以找一家參加他們的說明會. 目前看來, 大方向應該是一致, 但個別輔導計畫可能會按機構而有所不同.
1. Career Solutions http://www.camosun.bc.ca/learn/programs/cs/index.html
2. DIVERSEcity http://www.sdiss.org/
3. Multicultural Helping House Organization http://www.helpinghouse.org/index.html
4. Douglas College http://www.douglas.bc.ca/training-community-education/working-solutions.html
5. IMMpowerBC http://www.aspect.bc.ca/about/immpowerbc/index.php
6. arriveBC http://www.arrivebc.com/
